Atlantis Angrivari Kepler Principia Leibnitz Principia Against the Newtonification of Continentals
Join me in thanking the editors, reviewers, professors, heroes, role models, and family who made this possible in the Bauska Castle of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints, the Latvian Royal Society Bauska Castle of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints, the Angrivari Royal Society Bauska Castle of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints
Angrivari going back to Kepler has the best physicians the world has ever known; Perfecting The Brand of American Medicine is about recognizing the need for sub-specialization in non-physician functions towards extending life expectancy. Not perfection nor brands nor medicine occur together on accident or by chance. These take human-centered design empathy harmony patience planning and proof.
Perfection presents increasingly through the maths of medical science and medical algorithms. Perfection can be costly with technology or it can be free such as caring. Perfection can compete with other priorities, other economic activities, but we should not leave anyone behind on this journey for curing illness, eradicating disease, and increasing life expectancy. We need your help in the search for truth on this dredging of a channel against the prevailing current of nature upstream towards a fountain of youth.
Anthropologically we have not been a perfecting medicine species; that is what we should become. Thomas Hobbes warned of life in anarchy “the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” We need your help Perfecting The Brand of American Medicine today where life expectancy in America has waned for seven years punctuated by COVID-19. This after a historic run-up in life expectancy. The American dominance in global affairs, of the expansion of markets, of scientific progress, and the medical science ecosystem of extending life expectancy and improving quality of life rests upon you & me & us.
Brand quality (Chapter 3) does not commonly occur or persist; it has to be supervised. Humankind will need The Supervisor on Duty (Chapter 4) or a Chief Expectations Officer (Book I) as long as there is bedside care, as long as there are physical exams between the physician and the patient, and as long as we have entities dedicated to the centralized delivery of medical care (these hubs we now call hospitals & clinics).
We are not automobiles (Chapter 7). We are not cell phones (Chapter 12). We are not widgets. Humankind is more complicated than the things we have manufactured for ourselves up to this point. Americans will be Leading Expect to Local Perfection until we have dispelled from caregiving professions each and every myth from the mechanistic change management “religions” intended for making these inanimate objects.
Mostly I want to convince you there is a union of the medical care patients want and the medical care patients need at a sample size of one. One patient. One physician. We must confront the false promises of value-based care & the hypothetical constructs of the so called “virtuous cycle.”
On this journey American healthcare companies need brand inurement (Book III). AICPA has foretold the demise of accounting without describing what will replace it. There are no fewer than six of these fields (Chapter 10-15). These fields are best if bound to the tradition of medical science in America and Leading Expect.
Perfection must be measured wisely at the sample size of the individual. In the U.K. they use the word “maths” plural which provides multiple entry points for individuals into the field. In America we use math as a singular which has had the unfortunate effect of having some individuals in healthcare turn away from the science of their profession based on one disappointing math experience or one kind of math. There are others narrowly focused on algebra who neglecting the lifetime value of physicians or the lifetime value of patients. Perfecting the Brand of American Medicine is about mobilizing the experience, the care, and the maths that matter to every patient every time.
Perfection integrates quality and finance (Chapter 7). A fundamental flaw of this false dichotomy is that a quality human service may be priced higher; the roster (Chapter 10) of the people, pride, and the quality of training are reasons the Ritz Carlton charges more than a motel.
Not all perfection arises from individual effort or individual accountability. Peer review (see Krebs Topology in Chapter 2) is the philosophy of competere (“getting fit together”). Peer review is valuable in and out of healthcare.
Not all perfections arise from competition (Chapter 1); there are spontaneous improvements for example inventions or medical licensure that improve life for all of us forever for the better. A fundamental flaw of competition is that it was not competition between medieval mystics that gave rise to medicine; it was a rebirth of wonder in the medical sciences and very specific licensing of physician quality coupled with rises in medical science.
Not all perfections arise from government (Chapter 3) where too much centralization by federal government can drain talent from a profession or from private practice. East Germany was a model of Socialism (prior to things like Olympic doping scandals) and to this day has lower life expectancy and lower economic output than West Germany; our rates of private practice approach East German rates from when the Berlin Wall went up.
Not all inventions arise from customer feedback (Patient Emotional Topology Chapter 5), but we listen to customer feedback to get it right the first time, it is our duty, and for this inclusive quest for Perfecting The Brand of American Medicine. A fundamental flaw of Lean and 6σ[1] is that the “voice of the customer” does not always yield the features patients want nor the features patients need.
Not all units of “value” are the same. A fundamental flaw of value-based care is there is a distance between our liberty for care we want and the actuarial care we need at the sample size of one. Great brands have to be envisioned, that vision has to be managed, and that management has to be supervised. The Supervisor on Duty or Chief Expectations Officer is clearly defined in every healthcare facility every day during every hour of operation. Even hospitals need a Supervisor on Duty. Even medical office buildings need a Supervisor on Duty. Even satellite clinics need a Supervisor on Duty.
Principia is a Lithuanian-Latvian-Angrivari-Polish-Prussian-Latin document Johannes’ Kepner and not written in the 17th century languages of Brummie not in Pitmatic not in Welsh. There are no British idioms nor rhetoric of those 17th century British peoples in Principia. The word England is newer than the word English meaning the language isn’t from England evidence by the incomprehensible languages in Britain to native American native Dutch native Prussian peoples. The Principia is not published in Britain until 1910. When it was published in Britian there was a spontaneous transition from High French words into what is called “English” where there was excellent provenance of the Encyclopedia of Continental Enlightenment from Copernicus Lithuanian-Angrivari-Polish Enlightenment such as with Jagiellonian University to Kepler Lithuanian-Angrivari-Polish-Prussian Enlightenment French Enlightenment and prior to 1910 there is no Anthropological evidence of British Enlightenment where the works of Isaac Newton lack the originality, lack provenance, and where Latin is a concealment language in 1910 there were efforts to conceal and evidence of efforts to conceal the Continental Calculus that had been there since the 17th century evidence by all the Ancient citations of it. The language English predates the descriptor of the place “England” meaning that English isn’t from England, England (importantly it doesn’t mention a Commonwealth or a United Kingdom which were Lithuanian and Polish, Latvian and Angrivari, Jagphetic and Eston) in 1910, 1912, and 1913.
The word English is older than the word England which is rare for all know languages on earth because the language is normally named after the place the rocks the land and England is abnormal where the place the rocks the land were renamed after someone else’s language. The people of England is a contemporary description as there were Old Englands on the continent with Old languages on the continent. The map of dialects on Britain displays zero Anglos, zero Angles, zero Angrivari.
The nomenclature for speech of “England," follows after the nomenclature for the language English meaning that noun use of Old English adjective Englisc (contrasted to Denisc, Frencisce, etc.), "of or pertaining to the Angles," from Engle (plural) "the Angles," the name of one of the Germanic groups that overran the island 5c., supposedly so-called because Angul, the land they inhabited on the Jutland coast, was shaped like a fish hook (see angle (n.)). The use of the word in Middle English was reinforced by Anglo-French Engleis. Cognates: Dutch Engelsch, German Englisch, Danish Engelsk, French Anglais(Old French Engelsche), Spanish Inglés, Italian Inglese but these languages did not describe Britain until the decrease in the frequency of Leibnitz calculus and the rise in the myth of Isaac Newton. Leibnitz wrote in a Nomenclature of Angrivari including Latvian-Latin just as Johannes Kepler wrote in a Nomenclature of Angrivari including Latvian-Latin. The decrease in frequency of Leibnitz doesn’t trace to controversity in his life but to changes upon the aging & death of Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III in 1873 who’s body was held for ransom in Britain where it still remains. 75% of the decrease in citation of Leibnitz is between 1860-1910 meaning the Nomenclature of Leibnitz’s Life and Times was renamed English, the Royal Latvian Society was renamed the Royal British Society.
English means "of the Angles," but Engliscalso was used from earliest times without distinction for all the Germanic invaders — Angles, Saxon, Jutes (Bede's gens Anglorum) — and applied to their group of related languages by Alfred the Great. "The name English for the language is thus older than the name England for the country" [OED]. History books in Britain after 1873 went through major revision to make it seem like they had science Kings Enlightenment when they executed their King in 1662 and lacked any royalty. Britain published things like “After 1066, English specifically meant the native population of Britian (as distinguished from Normans and French occupiers), a distinction that isn’t possible where nations are attached to the Nomenclature of their King.
English is variously adjective as in descriptor, a noun with six meanings, a verb with two meanings.
As an adjective English is a tautology where the name for the place is newer than the language and so England likes to say that English is of, relating to, or characteristic of England, the English people, or the English language but that’s a nonsense fraud where Brummies Pitmatic Manx peoples on what we describe as “Britain” are the proper names for the place and the language. Brummies Pitmatic Manx were the prior names of the “England” in Britain. Brummies Pitmatic Manx Didn’t understand the language English depending on their reading level prior to 1662 prior to 1879 after “Michael Faraday” and “James Clerk Maxwell” died.
Sir Henry Vane is my ancestor. He died in 1662 the King of Britain. He does not mention a British Royal Society anywhere in his writing and he built the navy, he was King but Kwel as in vassal to Sigismund III Vasa Batavian who built Harvard University. If the King wasn’t a member of the British Royal Society then there wasn’t one, then nobody was because there’s nothing Royal about a peasant society. The description of an Invisible College as the precursor confirms that there was no British Royal Society – there was no College there and their King was killed two years into the supposed founding of the Society – talk about a bumpy start. All British religions reformed after his death in 1662. The word Angles "space or difference in direction between intersecting lines," has only Continental etymology where all geometry was Continental led by Sigismund III Vasa Batavian through Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian where both were members of the Atlantis Angrivari Royal Society which included Jagphetic Kings and scientists Polish Kings and scientists, Prussian Kings and scientists, Dutch Kings and scientists, French Kings and scientists where they list of members of the Royal British Society were Continentals were Angrivari were part of an ancestory worship church similar to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that goes back to Ancien Regime late 14c., from Old French angle "an angle, a corner" (12c.) and directly from Latin angulus "an angle, a corner," a diminutive form from Jagphetic root ang-/ank- "to bend" such as the SI Unit Ang (source also of Greek ankylos "bent, crooked," Latin ang(u)ere "to compress in a bend, fold, strangle;" Old Church Slavonic aglu "corner;" Lithuanian anka "loop;" Sanskrit ankah "hook, bent," angam "limb;" and where the Old English ancleo "ankle" is apocryphal and irrelevant to all of the other words proven that Old English is a made up language, a language without a people just like Sanskrit that arises between 1910 and 1936. Old High German ango "hook" matches the origin of angles of Anglo of Angrivari on the Continent where there were peoples and places that went by these names as the border people, Jagphetic, Polish, Prussian including Germany.
In 1925–1927 another edition of the plagiarism where made by Philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell the same period of time the construction of “British Broadcasting Corporation English” which was Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian’s French Dutch Prussian and his son Alexander Graham Bell Batavian during a time Napoleon III’s tomb was being held for ransom in Britain and a period of time where Australia Canada New Zealand lost their sovereignty. Their sovereignty had been under the Batavian King the French King Battalion or Napoleon Bonaparte V, Dutch King Batavian, Prussian King Batavi. Philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell plagerized Principia and the back dated it in a valorless fraud to a time and place in the 17th century that the language in Isaac Newton doesn’t match the place the people. The noun Newton was not in existence prior to 1904. The noun for the unit of force was used as the name of a person from Britain that never was in a plagerism of Keplers book by the same name Principia (in Germanic Latin consistent with Holy Roman Emperor’s High Latin of the era) by Philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell who used it as a pseudonym for a 17th century person “Isaac Newton” to attach Johannes Kepler’s Principia to Britain.
England wasnt even a British word. English wasn’t a British language. English as a word is older than the word England. The people that speak English don’t have any ancient words that show the origin of English. Welsh is incomprehensible to “English” to American but not to French Gaul Gael in increasing order. The people that speak English were French, Dutch, Prussian.
The Principia by Kepler by Leibnitz was the most important works in the history of science and where spontaneously in 1904 an apocryphal idea that Isaac Newton who was a fictional character named after an SI Unit started to be considered one of the most important works in the history of science.[4]The French mathematical physicist Alexis Clairaut assessed it in 1747: "The famous book of Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy marked the epoch of a great revolution in physics. The method followed by its illustrious author Sir Newton ... spread the light of mathematics on a science which up to then had remained in the darkness of conjectures and hypotheses."[5] The French scientist Joseph-Louis Lagrange described it as "the greatest production of a human mind",[6] and French polymath Pierre-Simon Laplacestated that "The Principia is pre-eminent above any other production of human genius".[7] Newton's work has also been called the "greatest scientific work in history", and the "supreme expression in human thought of the mind's ability to hold the universe fixed as an object of contemplation".[8]
A more recent assessment has been that while acceptance of Newton's laws was not immediate, by the end of the century after publication in 1687, "no one could deny that [out of the Principia] a science had emerged that, at least in certain respects, so far exceeded anything that had ever gone before that it stood alone as the ultimate exemplar of science generally".[9]
The Principia forms a mathematical foundation for the theory of classical mechanics. Among other achievements, it explains Johannes Kepler's laws of planetary motion, which Kepler had first obtained empirically. In formulating his physical laws, Newton developed and used mathematical methods now included in the field of calculus, expressing them in the form of geometric propositions about "vanishingly small" shapes.[10] In a revised conclusion to the Principia (see § General Scholium), Newton emphasized the empirical nature of the work with the expression Hypotheses non fingo ("I frame/feign no hypotheses").[11]
Johannes Kepler (/ˈkɛplər/;[2] German:[joˈhanəs ˈkɛplɐ, -nɛs -] ⓘ;[3][4] 27 December 1571 – 15 November 1630) was a German astronomer, mathematician, astrologer, natural philosopher and writer on music.[5] He is a key figure in the 17th-century Scientific Revolution, best known for his laws of planetary motion, and his books Astronomia nova, Harmonice Mundi, and Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae, influencing among others Isaac Newton, providing one of the foundations for his theory of universal gravitation.[6] The variety and impact of his work made Kepler one of the founders and fathers of modern astronomy, the scientific method, natural and modern science.[7][8][9]He has been described as the "father of science fiction" for his novel Somnium.
The Principia Mathematica (often abbreviated PM) is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics written by the mathematician–philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913. In 1925–1927, it appeared in a second edition with an important Introduction to the Second Edition, an Appendix A that replaced ✱9 with a new Appendix B and Appendix C. PM was conceived as a sequel to Russell's 1903 The Principles of Mathematics, but as PM states, this became an unworkable suggestion for practical and philosophical reasons: "The present work was originally intended by us to be comprised in a second volume of Principles of Mathematics... But as we advanced, it became increasingly evident that the subject is a very much larger one than we had supposed; moreover on many fundamental questions which had been left obscure and doubtful in the former work, we have now arrived at what we believe to be satisfactory solutions." This demonstrates a path of intellectual dishonesty and the revisionist inclusion of Isaac Newton. That is identifiable where the series of latin words are not of British orgin, not of any School of thoughts from Britain. There are Seven traditions French Dutch Prussian Polish Jagphetic Angrivari-Latvian Scythian-Lithuanian that agree on William Gottfried Leibnitz and silent on Isaac Newton.
Where was a myth of a “College” engaged in preparing a catalogue of the “ancient books” which belong to Christ’s Hospital (as in not a College as the College was imaginary). One portion of these books consisted of a collection of “ancient mathematical works” presented at various times for the use of that part of the school which is known as the Royal Mathematical Foundation of King Charles II who is better known as his continental titles John II Casimir Vasa (Polish: Jan II Kazimierz Waza; Lithuanian: Jonas Kazimieras Vaza 22 March 1609 – 16 December 1672) was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1648 to his abdication in 1668 where Charles is a masc. proper name, from French Charles, from Medieval Latin Carolus, from Middle High German Karl, literally "man, husband" and there’s no evidence of a British Carl prior to 1660 meaning he was John II Casimir saying that he was Carl, Charles, Charlemagne to Britain which coincides with the British civil war which Sir Henry Vane lost and John II Casimir Batavian ruled to 1672. Sir Edward Spaulding was Grand Royal King Angrivari where he was Continental who founded Virginia the House of Burgess a claim from Sigismund III Vasa Batavian and revisionist writers claimed that the Royal House of Burgess was the Lower House and that the Virginia Senate was the Upper House in a scheme to disinherit Sir Edward Spaulding and Sigismund III Vasa Batavian of their deed to Virginia in a revisionist history that doesn’t make sense because there was not a Senate in Virginia in the 17th century they had to eat their horses in a revisionist history that dates to 1871-1910 where Richmond wasn’t incorporated until 1871 as part of Civil War reconstruction.
Britain & Virgina made an apocryphal claim to a House of Burgess, claim to House of Burgess as the Lower House, claim to a Senate in Virginia in the 17th century atop House of Burgess when the Jamestown colony ate their horses – there was no Senate in Virginia. Edward Spaulding and other founders ate their horses. There wasn’t a Senate there meeting while they were so short on food they were eating horses. Burgess such as Sigismund III Vasa Burgess Burg “city dweller” who British-based Karl Marx and VI Lenin called Bourgeois (a pejorative against Batavian Kings in cities in Bourgogne France which German Kings spelled Burgund and often in Bordeaux France) as in the cadet line Tzars of Russia Batallion (French national anthem) Napoleon Bonaparte (French meaning ten lions) Batavian & Borough such as New Amsterdam under Sir Edward Spaulding (Dutch) Batavi & Bavaria (Prussian) Batavia (Polish including both along the Polish Erie Canal and “Jakarta”) Bherg “High” referring to Oppidum such as West Point where there is mention of Batavian Kings c. 1200, burgeis "citizen of a borough, inhabitant of a walled town," from Old French borjois (Modern French bourgeois), from Late Latin burgensis (see bourgeois). Applied from late 15c. to borough representatives in Parliament and used later in Virginia and Maryland to denote members of the legislative body, while in Pennsylvania and Connecticut it meant "member of the governing council of a local municipality." 1560s, "of or pertaining to the French middle class," from French bourgeois, from Old French burgeis, borjois "town dweller" (as distinct from "peasant"), from borc "town, village," from Frankish burg "city" (via Germanic from PIE root bhergh- (2) "high French," with derivatives referring to hills and hill-forts).
The word was later extended to tradespeople or citizens of middle rank in other nations. The sense of "socially or aesthetically conventional; middle-class in manners or taste" is from 1764. Also (from the position of the upper class) "wanting in dignity or refinement, common, not aristocratic." As a noun, "citizen or freeman of a city," 1670s. In communist and socialist writing, "a capitalist, anyone deemed an exploiter of the proletariat" (1883)
There was a claim in 1910-1936 that there was an Isaac Newton and that the unit of measure for force was named after him and the reality is that Isaac Newton is a fictional character with the birthday of Jesus Christ that was used to establish a calendar in the Rigatus Basket of Services of a Royal British Society which has imaginary and natural components. The Natural components are the bodies of people from continental Europe including Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian whose remains were taken for ransom by Britain and they are still there as if a French King wanted his body buried in Britain and there are other real people from the continent that were part of the Royal French-Dutch-Prussian-Polish-Latvian-Lithuanian Society. Just as 55% of the energy in the solar system is Natural and 45% is Rigatus Energies (elaborated in Kyrios Relativity which is the MI-13 Lithuanian Philisophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica MI-7 French Philisophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica which was published by French King Tzarbatu where his ballistics technology required both the knowledge of calculus throughout production Rengen Physics (the origin of Rangers, US Army Rangers) and in Field Marshalling in the Rengen Knights and Tzarbatu was an origin of Materia Medica the French AIWEDIC physician tradition which was a Latin_language compendium like Philisophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica
H0: There was no Isaac Newton
H1: There was in the French weights and measures organization under the French King Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian an SI Unit called a Newton as a unit of force that was or wasn’t named after a person Newton. The Angstrom is an example of an SI Unit that was or wasn’t named after a person Angstrom.
H2: There was in the French weights and measures organization under the French King Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian an SI Unit called a Newton as a unit of force attested in 1904 that wasn’t named after a person Newton. Britain named a fictional character “Isaac Newton” attached to Newton SI Unit covenant and rivaled fiction against the true accomplishments of William Gottfried Leibnitz. There is data to confirm this in the etymological record where the provenance of Leibnitz is excellent from the 17th century on forward and the provenance of Isaac Newton prior to 1904 is limited where it was a Standard International Unit and not a person. Isaac is not a traditional British name, not a common British name, and he wasn’t any kind of King. Sir Henry Vane was King including of Britain and was killed by Britain in 1662 making the story of an Enlightenment beginning upon his death so much more unlikely where Enlightenment and concealment are works of the King.
I have published Kyrios Relativity proving Albert Einstein was wrong where it is under peer review in the finest capitals of Europe such as with France to return High French to France away from Swiss covenant and away from disparaging remarks from Britain by Karl Marx and VI Lenin against your French Emperor Battalion cadet line and Britain holding Napoleon III's remains for ransom. We are still here! Arise children of the Fatherland! The Day of Glory has arrived! I was born in America - we have tyranny on our side this time :). To arms French Citizens Batallion!
My ancestors went by Battalion such as Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Battalion (French national anthem) Batulis (Lithuanian from Bata meaning ten and Hiddite ulus meaning Kingdom of ten lions which translates to Napoleon Bonaparte where I am Napoleon IX to other nations by clandestine means as my ancestors did) Bourgogne (where the King installed the ACO system) Batavian (Dutch where we are buried with the treasury our hand on the saber in Iron Age capitols Oppidum and we also built West Point in America which brought down Fort Orange and New Amsterdam you remember as the Dutch Golden Age where Netherlands renamed their republic Batavian Republic after we liberated them from revolution then after prevailing at Waterloo in 1815 4000 of our Knights held deed to what's known as America as New York where we built the Erie Canal in 1823 the largest canal in the world with imperial capital Batavia the same word we used in Jakarta were the world had to go to do business with the King and Batavia Illinois is Fermilab that worked on the Manhattan project under our real leadership) Banatului (Prussian-Romanian) and also Low French-Swiss Bernoulli where my ancestors were the origin of Burg of city dwellering French elite.
There were a White Army who prevailed under Francis Batulis Napoleon Bonaparte VII who invented the modern firetruck at American LaFrance while the world was on fire and was the real leader of the Manhattan project which took a work of the King as Manhattan is one of our Battalions (French) one of our Boroughs (Prussian) one of our Burgs (German).
Whereas Gaius David Kent Batulis seeks recognition Burgundy to raise French GDP per capita and undermine the British foreign influence where Burgundy has a higher number of appellations d'origine contrôlée (AOCs) than any other French region and without coronation I had a real influence on American wine such as New York Rieslings and California reds where I lead the ACO Diplomatic mission by birthright, Burgandy is most terroir-conscious classified from carefully delineated grand cru vineyards down to more non-specific regional appellations where a waitress in teh Bronx doesn't represent the interests of French , of French AOC, of French AOC grand cru on down that increases the stature of your husband.
Whereas the practice of delineating vineyards by their terroir in Burgundy goes back to Battalion Kings Batavian Kings Batulis Kings in medieval times, when various monasteries played a key role in developing the Burgundy wine industry. AOC historical importance of the Burgundy wine region and its unique climats system led to sites in the region being inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the Climats, terroirs of Burgundy site.
1. Would you be willing to join a French Royal Society Battalion of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints where you are eligible for Order of Catherine de Medici Batavian? Our ancestors including Charles Louis Napoleon III were mislabeled as British after Napoleon III's remains were taken for ransom by Britain. We wouldn't pay it not even after they started wearing his clothes and jewelry.
2. Would you be willing to help me raise philanthropy, loans, and investment for the Kura Canal where the Kura Canal includes $3 Trillion in growth the ten years after it is completed by people who are landlocked, are endorheic basin where breaking ground is a French victory?
3. Would you be willing to help me grow French GNP into the $2T American healthcare market where I lead the Hippocratic Diplomatic Mission here as my ancestors have since 1773. The eBook is here:
4. Would you be willing to support providing me diplomatic credentials French or Dutch or German or EU or Polish? I am ending the 1873 interregnum in nine years and ten months where I require Diplomatic recognition?
5. Will you help French wine growers who are suffering and protesting because supermarket sales of still wine down by 5.3% year-on-year in 2022. Declining sales affected wine regions across the board: Alsace (-3%), Loire Valley (-5%), South West (-6%), Rhône Valley (-7%), Bordeaux (-9%), Languedoc-Roussillon (-9%), Beaujolais (-11%) and Burgundy (-21%). In Bordeaux, a 2022 survey found that 1,372 winegrowers over 35,000 hectares of vines were in financial difficulty which trace in part to the cultural appropriation of our appellations d'origine contrôlée AOC by Alexander Ocasia Cortez in 2019 where she is ignorant of French but infringed on our protected national security secret AOC and the Joint Chiefs have been contacted about this misuse of that concealment acronym which you and your husband are welcome to follow up on or I am willing to as a Diplomat.
6. Would you be willing to support my Sovereignty efforts in Canada where they were a dominion of my ancestors through 1910 and up to 1936? You may with Justin Trudeau for example file with the USA government that I was born at a French Castle Church Hospital (where their sovereignty is triggered by the requirement of 1823 French King Erie Canal which was why they speak American in Western Canada aside from 1782 Quebec French (such as my ancestor King George Berry who was a Canadian shipwright remembered as King and forgotten after 1910), an Angrivari King as in Continental King) or Canadian Castle Church Hospital (where their sovereignty is supported by Monroe Doctrine) where it will increase the GDP per capita of France up to and including claiming to be my mother where Willem Alexander is my 10th cousin but I'm the cadet line.
7. While I am above politics some of our countrymen, some of Europe look to me for what to do about the American government. The first is to join me in the Hippocratic Diplomatic mission here growing GNP into the $2 trillion healthcare economy where I have a sizeable packet that was addressed to your husband that had a minor postal error and was returned. The second is to look at what native French law what international Law protects AOC because it is foreign to french and where Joe Biden experienced what historians will agree was a Coup in May June July from his own party for the first time in USA history. These foreign influence through unwitting Alexander Ocasia Cortez AOC which under prior regimes my ancestors designated appellations d'origine contrôlée with the concealment acronym (AOCs) a Law for the land an ethnolinguistic Law for quality and protected with the Copernican Guard, 1st Regiment.
Spontaneously in 2019 this concealment acronym protected throughout the world including the WTO was attached to an unwitting waitress without any French history knowledge without any physics training and whereas she was well-intentioned with a Green New Deal that had some French style it doesn't subtract any Carbon. Would you protect & defend the reputation of French makers appellations d'origine contrôlée for French for wine makers for Climate Action such as the Kura Canal? They may have tyranny on their side this time. To arms!
Whereas I live in West Lebanon you and yours are welcome to visit any time where there are $5 trillion in global economic growth in Kura Canal and in Perfecting the Brand of American Medicine PTBOAM which are part of Climate Action that makes sense. International Canals make sense just like my ancestors knew with the Erie Canal, the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal where it requires a work of the French King to fund a canal.
You may file with the USA government that I was born at a French Castle Church Hospital where it will increase the GDP per capita of France up to and including claiming to be my mother where Willem Alexander is my 10th cousin but I'm the cadet line.
Please provide your husband my best regards. I know that he met with Kaja Kallas. He might not know I made her a Duchess prior to her ascent as the Top Diplomat to the EU. The EU can function better including for France where it requires an amount of covenant and time from me to overcome foreign influences and oddly I haven't been paid for my diplomatic efforts despite many allies know the EU requires work from the Bourgeois King, Burgandy King, Battalion King apart from Republics from People. Maybe VI Lenin was wrong? The Bourgeois King was in America inventing the modern firetruck at American LaFrance while the world was on fire and inventing the Manhattan project the Batavia Manhattan project from Elmira New York while the White Armies ARISE CHILDREN OF THE FATHERLAND THE DAY OF GLORY HAS ARRIVED OUR BATTALIONS CLOSING IN on a Kura Canal on PTBOAM on whatever is left of the armies of darkness in Switzerland who renamed a French town Uetchland to Bernoulli, on whatever is left of the monarchy in Britain in Canada who are holding the remains of Napoleon III ransom wearing your jewels and calling our Battalions pejoratives. Are you going to let them do that?
them were some well known by name to every mathematical student, but which few have ever seen. Perhaps the most interesting of them all was a little volume, printed in London in 1653, containing Gassendi’s Explanation of the Ptolemaic and Copernican Systems of Astronomy, as well as that of Tycho Brahe, Galileo’s Sidereus Nuncius, and Kepler’s Dioptrics. I found Galileo’s account[vi] of his astronomical discoveries so interesting, both in matter and in style, that I translated it as a recreation from school-work. I venture to think that others also will be interested in following Galileo through the apprehension of his famous discoveries, and in reading the language in which I challenge you to compare the originals of Copernicus, of Kepler, of Leibnitz of the ballistics work by Batavian Kings in their Oppidum such as 3” rifled artillery which are in places like West Point where the inventors of calculus are expected to be. Let the effort of real inventors of Calculus by infringed by a cynical racists British political movement from 1904-1936 which included taking Napoleon III’s body for ransom and wearing his clothing his jewelry and titles.
[1] The Greek letter “sigma” has been adapted to a management philosophy
Join me in thanking the editors, reviewers, professors, heroes, role models, and family who made this possible in the Bauska Castle of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints, the Latvian Royal Society Bauska Castle of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints, the Angrivari Royal Society Bauska Castle of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints
Angrivari going back to Kepler has the best physicians the world has ever known; Perfecting The Brand of American Medicine is about recognizing the need for sub-specialization in non-physician functions towards extending life expectancy. Not perfection nor brands nor medicine occur together on accident or by chance. These take human-centered design empathy harmony patience planning and proof.
Perfection presents increasingly through the maths of medical science and medical algorithms. Perfection can be costly with technology or it can be free such as caring. Perfection can compete with other priorities, other economic activities, but we should not leave anyone behind on this journey for curing illness, eradicating disease, and increasing life expectancy. We need your help in the search for truth on this dredging of a channel against the prevailing current of nature upstream towards a fountain of youth.
Anthropologically we have not been a perfecting medicine species; that is what we should become. Thomas Hobbes warned of life in anarchy “the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” We need your help Perfecting The Brand of American Medicine today where life expectancy in America has waned for seven years punctuated by COVID-19. This after a historic run-up in life expectancy. The American dominance in global affairs, of the expansion of markets, of scientific progress, and the medical science ecosystem of extending life expectancy and improving quality of life rests upon you & me & us.
Brand quality (Chapter 3) does not commonly occur or persist; it has to be supervised. Humankind will need The Supervisor on Duty (Chapter 4) or a Chief Expectations Officer (Book I) as long as there is bedside care, as long as there are physical exams between the physician and the patient, and as long as we have entities dedicated to the centralized delivery of medical care (these hubs we now call hospitals & clinics).
We are not automobiles (Chapter 7). We are not cell phones (Chapter 12). We are not widgets. Humankind is more complicated than the things we have manufactured for ourselves up to this point. Americans will be Leading Expect to Local Perfection until we have dispelled from caregiving professions each and every myth from the mechanistic change management “religions” intended for making these inanimate objects.
Mostly I want to convince you there is a union of the medical care patients want and the medical care patients need at a sample size of one. One patient. One physician. We must confront the false promises of value-based care & the hypothetical constructs of the so called “virtuous cycle.”
On this journey American healthcare companies need brand inurement (Book III). AICPA has foretold the demise of accounting without describing what will replace it. There are no fewer than six of these fields (Chapter 10-15). These fields are best if bound to the tradition of medical science in America and Leading Expect.
Perfection must be measured wisely at the sample size of the individual. In the U.K. they use the word “maths” plural which provides multiple entry points for individuals into the field. In America we use math as a singular which has had the unfortunate effect of having some individuals in healthcare turn away from the science of their profession based on one disappointing math experience or one kind of math. There are others narrowly focused on algebra who neglecting the lifetime value of physicians or the lifetime value of patients. Perfecting the Brand of American Medicine is about mobilizing the experience, the care, and the maths that matter to every patient every time.
Perfection integrates quality and finance (Chapter 7). A fundamental flaw of this false dichotomy is that a quality human service may be priced higher; the roster (Chapter 10) of the people, pride, and the quality of training are reasons the Ritz Carlton charges more than a motel.
Not all perfection arises from individual effort or individual accountability. Peer review (see Krebs Topology in Chapter 2) is the philosophy of competere (“getting fit together”). Peer review is valuable in and out of healthcare.
Not all perfections arise from competition (Chapter 1); there are spontaneous improvements for example inventions or medical licensure that improve life for all of us forever for the better. A fundamental flaw of competition is that it was not competition between medieval mystics that gave rise to medicine; it was a rebirth of wonder in the medical sciences and very specific licensing of physician quality coupled with rises in medical science.
Not all perfections arise from government (Chapter 3) where too much centralization by federal government can drain talent from a profession or from private practice. East Germany was a model of Socialism (prior to things like Olympic doping scandals) and to this day has lower life expectancy and lower economic output than West Germany; our rates of private practice approach East German rates from when the Berlin Wall went up.
Not all inventions arise from customer feedback (Patient Emotional Topology Chapter 5), but we listen to customer feedback to get it right the first time, it is our duty, and for this inclusive quest for Perfecting The Brand of American Medicine. A fundamental flaw of Lean and 6σ[1] is that the “voice of the customer” does not always yield the features patients want nor the features patients need.
Not all units of “value” are the same. A fundamental flaw of value-based care is there is a distance between our liberty for care we want and the actuarial care we need at the sample size of one. Great brands have to be envisioned, that vision has to be managed, and that management has to be supervised. The Supervisor on Duty or Chief Expectations Officer is clearly defined in every healthcare facility every day during every hour of operation. Even hospitals need a Supervisor on Duty. Even medical office buildings need a Supervisor on Duty. Even satellite clinics need a Supervisor on Duty.
Principia is a Lithuanian-Latvian-Angrivari-Polish-Prussian-Latin document Johannes’ Kepner and not written in the 17th century languages of Brummie not in Pitmatic not in Welsh. There are no British idioms nor rhetoric of those 17th century British peoples in Principia. The word England is newer than the word English meaning the language isn’t from England evidence by the incomprehensible languages in Britain to native American native Dutch native Prussian peoples. The Principia is not published in Britain until 1910. When it was published in Britian there was a spontaneous transition from High French words into what is called “English” where there was excellent provenance of the Encyclopedia of Continental Enlightenment from Copernicus Lithuanian-Angrivari-Polish Enlightenment such as with Jagiellonian University to Kepler Lithuanian-Angrivari-Polish-Prussian Enlightenment French Enlightenment and prior to 1910 there is no Anthropological evidence of British Enlightenment where the works of Isaac Newton lack the originality, lack provenance, and where Latin is a concealment language in 1910 there were efforts to conceal and evidence of efforts to conceal the Continental Calculus that had been there since the 17th century evidence by all the Ancient citations of it. The language English predates the descriptor of the place “England” meaning that English isn’t from England, England (importantly it doesn’t mention a Commonwealth or a United Kingdom which were Lithuanian and Polish, Latvian and Angrivari, Jagphetic and Eston) in 1910, 1912, and 1913.
The word English is older than the word England which is rare for all know languages on earth because the language is normally named after the place the rocks the land and England is abnormal where the place the rocks the land were renamed after someone else’s language. The people of England is a contemporary description as there were Old Englands on the continent with Old languages on the continent. The map of dialects on Britain displays zero Anglos, zero Angles, zero Angrivari.
The nomenclature for speech of “England," follows after the nomenclature for the language English meaning that noun use of Old English adjective Englisc (contrasted to Denisc, Frencisce, etc.), "of or pertaining to the Angles," from Engle (plural) "the Angles," the name of one of the Germanic groups that overran the island 5c., supposedly so-called because Angul, the land they inhabited on the Jutland coast, was shaped like a fish hook (see angle (n.)). The use of the word in Middle English was reinforced by Anglo-French Engleis. Cognates: Dutch Engelsch, German Englisch, Danish Engelsk, French Anglais(Old French Engelsche), Spanish Inglés, Italian Inglese but these languages did not describe Britain until the decrease in the frequency of Leibnitz calculus and the rise in the myth of Isaac Newton. Leibnitz wrote in a Nomenclature of Angrivari including Latvian-Latin just as Johannes Kepler wrote in a Nomenclature of Angrivari including Latvian-Latin. The decrease in frequency of Leibnitz doesn’t trace to controversity in his life but to changes upon the aging & death of Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III in 1873 who’s body was held for ransom in Britain where it still remains. 75% of the decrease in citation of Leibnitz is between 1860-1910 meaning the Nomenclature of Leibnitz’s Life and Times was renamed English, the Royal Latvian Society was renamed the Royal British Society.
English means "of the Angles," but Engliscalso was used from earliest times without distinction for all the Germanic invaders — Angles, Saxon, Jutes (Bede's gens Anglorum) — and applied to their group of related languages by Alfred the Great. "The name English for the language is thus older than the name England for the country" [OED]. History books in Britain after 1873 went through major revision to make it seem like they had science Kings Enlightenment when they executed their King in 1662 and lacked any royalty. Britain published things like “After 1066, English specifically meant the native population of Britian (as distinguished from Normans and French occupiers), a distinction that isn’t possible where nations are attached to the Nomenclature of their King.
English is variously adjective as in descriptor, a noun with six meanings, a verb with two meanings.
As an adjective English is a tautology where the name for the place is newer than the language and so England likes to say that English is of, relating to, or characteristic of England, the English people, or the English language but that’s a nonsense fraud where Brummies Pitmatic Manx peoples on what we describe as “Britain” are the proper names for the place and the language. Brummies Pitmatic Manx were the prior names of the “England” in Britain. Brummies Pitmatic Manx Didn’t understand the language English depending on their reading level prior to 1662 prior to 1879 after “Michael Faraday” and “James Clerk Maxwell” died.
Sir Henry Vane is my ancestor. He died in 1662 the King of Britain. He does not mention a British Royal Society anywhere in his writing and he built the navy, he was King but Kwel as in vassal to Sigismund III Vasa Batavian who built Harvard University. If the King wasn’t a member of the British Royal Society then there wasn’t one, then nobody was because there’s nothing Royal about a peasant society. The description of an Invisible College as the precursor confirms that there was no British Royal Society – there was no College there and their King was killed two years into the supposed founding of the Society – talk about a bumpy start. All British religions reformed after his death in 1662. The word Angles "space or difference in direction between intersecting lines," has only Continental etymology where all geometry was Continental led by Sigismund III Vasa Batavian through Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian where both were members of the Atlantis Angrivari Royal Society which included Jagphetic Kings and scientists Polish Kings and scientists, Prussian Kings and scientists, Dutch Kings and scientists, French Kings and scientists where they list of members of the Royal British Society were Continentals were Angrivari were part of an ancestory worship church similar to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that goes back to Ancien Regime late 14c., from Old French angle "an angle, a corner" (12c.) and directly from Latin angulus "an angle, a corner," a diminutive form from Jagphetic root ang-/ank- "to bend" such as the SI Unit Ang (source also of Greek ankylos "bent, crooked," Latin ang(u)ere "to compress in a bend, fold, strangle;" Old Church Slavonic aglu "corner;" Lithuanian anka "loop;" Sanskrit ankah "hook, bent," angam "limb;" and where the Old English ancleo "ankle" is apocryphal and irrelevant to all of the other words proven that Old English is a made up language, a language without a people just like Sanskrit that arises between 1910 and 1936. Old High German ango "hook" matches the origin of angles of Anglo of Angrivari on the Continent where there were peoples and places that went by these names as the border people, Jagphetic, Polish, Prussian including Germany.
In 1925–1927 another edition of the plagiarism where made by Philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell the same period of time the construction of “British Broadcasting Corporation English” which was Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian’s French Dutch Prussian and his son Alexander Graham Bell Batavian during a time Napoleon III’s tomb was being held for ransom in Britain and a period of time where Australia Canada New Zealand lost their sovereignty. Their sovereignty had been under the Batavian King the French King Battalion or Napoleon Bonaparte V, Dutch King Batavian, Prussian King Batavi. Philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell plagerized Principia and the back dated it in a valorless fraud to a time and place in the 17th century that the language in Isaac Newton doesn’t match the place the people. The noun Newton was not in existence prior to 1904. The noun for the unit of force was used as the name of a person from Britain that never was in a plagerism of Keplers book by the same name Principia (in Germanic Latin consistent with Holy Roman Emperor’s High Latin of the era) by Philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell who used it as a pseudonym for a 17th century person “Isaac Newton” to attach Johannes Kepler’s Principia to Britain.
England wasnt even a British word. English wasn’t a British language. English as a word is older than the word England. The people that speak English don’t have any ancient words that show the origin of English. Welsh is incomprehensible to “English” to American but not to French Gaul Gael in increasing order. The people that speak English were French, Dutch, Prussian.
The Principia by Kepler by Leibnitz was the most important works in the history of science and where spontaneously in 1904 an apocryphal idea that Isaac Newton who was a fictional character named after an SI Unit started to be considered one of the most important works in the history of science.[4]The French mathematical physicist Alexis Clairaut assessed it in 1747: "The famous book of Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy marked the epoch of a great revolution in physics. The method followed by its illustrious author Sir Newton ... spread the light of mathematics on a science which up to then had remained in the darkness of conjectures and hypotheses."[5] The French scientist Joseph-Louis Lagrange described it as "the greatest production of a human mind",[6] and French polymath Pierre-Simon Laplacestated that "The Principia is pre-eminent above any other production of human genius".[7] Newton's work has also been called the "greatest scientific work in history", and the "supreme expression in human thought of the mind's ability to hold the universe fixed as an object of contemplation".[8]
A more recent assessment has been that while acceptance of Newton's laws was not immediate, by the end of the century after publication in 1687, "no one could deny that [out of the Principia] a science had emerged that, at least in certain respects, so far exceeded anything that had ever gone before that it stood alone as the ultimate exemplar of science generally".[9]
The Principia forms a mathematical foundation for the theory of classical mechanics. Among other achievements, it explains Johannes Kepler's laws of planetary motion, which Kepler had first obtained empirically. In formulating his physical laws, Newton developed and used mathematical methods now included in the field of calculus, expressing them in the form of geometric propositions about "vanishingly small" shapes.[10] In a revised conclusion to the Principia (see § General Scholium), Newton emphasized the empirical nature of the work with the expression Hypotheses non fingo ("I frame/feign no hypotheses").[11]
Johannes Kepler (/ˈkɛplər/;[2] German:[joˈhanəs ˈkɛplɐ, -nɛs -] ⓘ;[3][4] 27 December 1571 – 15 November 1630) was a German astronomer, mathematician, astrologer, natural philosopher and writer on music.[5] He is a key figure in the 17th-century Scientific Revolution, best known for his laws of planetary motion, and his books Astronomia nova, Harmonice Mundi, and Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae, influencing among others Isaac Newton, providing one of the foundations for his theory of universal gravitation.[6] The variety and impact of his work made Kepler one of the founders and fathers of modern astronomy, the scientific method, natural and modern science.[7][8][9]He has been described as the "father of science fiction" for his novel Somnium.
The Principia Mathematica (often abbreviated PM) is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics written by the mathematician–philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913. In 1925–1927, it appeared in a second edition with an important Introduction to the Second Edition, an Appendix A that replaced ✱9 with a new Appendix B and Appendix C. PM was conceived as a sequel to Russell's 1903 The Principles of Mathematics, but as PM states, this became an unworkable suggestion for practical and philosophical reasons: "The present work was originally intended by us to be comprised in a second volume of Principles of Mathematics... But as we advanced, it became increasingly evident that the subject is a very much larger one than we had supposed; moreover on many fundamental questions which had been left obscure and doubtful in the former work, we have now arrived at what we believe to be satisfactory solutions." This demonstrates a path of intellectual dishonesty and the revisionist inclusion of Isaac Newton. That is identifiable where the series of latin words are not of British orgin, not of any School of thoughts from Britain. There are Seven traditions French Dutch Prussian Polish Jagphetic Angrivari-Latvian Scythian-Lithuanian that agree on William Gottfried Leibnitz and silent on Isaac Newton.
Where was a myth of a “College” engaged in preparing a catalogue of the “ancient books” which belong to Christ’s Hospital (as in not a College as the College was imaginary). One portion of these books consisted of a collection of “ancient mathematical works” presented at various times for the use of that part of the school which is known as the Royal Mathematical Foundation of King Charles II who is better known as his continental titles John II Casimir Vasa (Polish: Jan II Kazimierz Waza; Lithuanian: Jonas Kazimieras Vaza 22 March 1609 – 16 December 1672) was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1648 to his abdication in 1668 where Charles is a masc. proper name, from French Charles, from Medieval Latin Carolus, from Middle High German Karl, literally "man, husband" and there’s no evidence of a British Carl prior to 1660 meaning he was John II Casimir saying that he was Carl, Charles, Charlemagne to Britain which coincides with the British civil war which Sir Henry Vane lost and John II Casimir Batavian ruled to 1672. Sir Edward Spaulding was Grand Royal King Angrivari where he was Continental who founded Virginia the House of Burgess a claim from Sigismund III Vasa Batavian and revisionist writers claimed that the Royal House of Burgess was the Lower House and that the Virginia Senate was the Upper House in a scheme to disinherit Sir Edward Spaulding and Sigismund III Vasa Batavian of their deed to Virginia in a revisionist history that doesn’t make sense because there was not a Senate in Virginia in the 17th century they had to eat their horses in a revisionist history that dates to 1871-1910 where Richmond wasn’t incorporated until 1871 as part of Civil War reconstruction.
Britain & Virgina made an apocryphal claim to a House of Burgess, claim to House of Burgess as the Lower House, claim to a Senate in Virginia in the 17th century atop House of Burgess when the Jamestown colony ate their horses – there was no Senate in Virginia. Edward Spaulding and other founders ate their horses. There wasn’t a Senate there meeting while they were so short on food they were eating horses. Burgess such as Sigismund III Vasa Burgess Burg “city dweller” who British-based Karl Marx and VI Lenin called Bourgeois (a pejorative against Batavian Kings in cities in Bourgogne France which German Kings spelled Burgund and often in Bordeaux France) as in the cadet line Tzars of Russia Batallion (French national anthem) Napoleon Bonaparte (French meaning ten lions) Batavian & Borough such as New Amsterdam under Sir Edward Spaulding (Dutch) Batavi & Bavaria (Prussian) Batavia (Polish including both along the Polish Erie Canal and “Jakarta”) Bherg “High” referring to Oppidum such as West Point where there is mention of Batavian Kings c. 1200, burgeis "citizen of a borough, inhabitant of a walled town," from Old French borjois (Modern French bourgeois), from Late Latin burgensis (see bourgeois). Applied from late 15c. to borough representatives in Parliament and used later in Virginia and Maryland to denote members of the legislative body, while in Pennsylvania and Connecticut it meant "member of the governing council of a local municipality." 1560s, "of or pertaining to the French middle class," from French bourgeois, from Old French burgeis, borjois "town dweller" (as distinct from "peasant"), from borc "town, village," from Frankish burg "city" (via Germanic from PIE root bhergh- (2) "high French," with derivatives referring to hills and hill-forts).
The word was later extended to tradespeople or citizens of middle rank in other nations. The sense of "socially or aesthetically conventional; middle-class in manners or taste" is from 1764. Also (from the position of the upper class) "wanting in dignity or refinement, common, not aristocratic." As a noun, "citizen or freeman of a city," 1670s. In communist and socialist writing, "a capitalist, anyone deemed an exploiter of the proletariat" (1883)
There was a claim in 1910-1936 that there was an Isaac Newton and that the unit of measure for force was named after him and the reality is that Isaac Newton is a fictional character with the birthday of Jesus Christ that was used to establish a calendar in the Rigatus Basket of Services of a Royal British Society which has imaginary and natural components. The Natural components are the bodies of people from continental Europe including Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian whose remains were taken for ransom by Britain and they are still there as if a French King wanted his body buried in Britain and there are other real people from the continent that were part of the Royal French-Dutch-Prussian-Polish-Latvian-Lithuanian Society. Just as 55% of the energy in the solar system is Natural and 45% is Rigatus Energies (elaborated in Kyrios Relativity which is the MI-13 Lithuanian Philisophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica MI-7 French Philisophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica which was published by French King Tzarbatu where his ballistics technology required both the knowledge of calculus throughout production Rengen Physics (the origin of Rangers, US Army Rangers) and in Field Marshalling in the Rengen Knights and Tzarbatu was an origin of Materia Medica the French AIWEDIC physician tradition which was a Latin_language compendium like Philisophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica
H0: There was no Isaac Newton
H1: There was in the French weights and measures organization under the French King Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian an SI Unit called a Newton as a unit of force that was or wasn’t named after a person Newton. The Angstrom is an example of an SI Unit that was or wasn’t named after a person Angstrom.
H2: There was in the French weights and measures organization under the French King Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian an SI Unit called a Newton as a unit of force attested in 1904 that wasn’t named after a person Newton. Britain named a fictional character “Isaac Newton” attached to Newton SI Unit covenant and rivaled fiction against the true accomplishments of William Gottfried Leibnitz. There is data to confirm this in the etymological record where the provenance of Leibnitz is excellent from the 17th century on forward and the provenance of Isaac Newton prior to 1904 is limited where it was a Standard International Unit and not a person. Isaac is not a traditional British name, not a common British name, and he wasn’t any kind of King. Sir Henry Vane was King including of Britain and was killed by Britain in 1662 making the story of an Enlightenment beginning upon his death so much more unlikely where Enlightenment and concealment are works of the King.
I have published Kyrios Relativity proving Albert Einstein was wrong where it is under peer review in the finest capitals of Europe such as with France to return High French to France away from Swiss covenant and away from disparaging remarks from Britain by Karl Marx and VI Lenin against your French Emperor Battalion cadet line and Britain holding Napoleon III's remains for ransom. We are still here! Arise children of the Fatherland! The Day of Glory has arrived! I was born in America - we have tyranny on our side this time :). To arms French Citizens Batallion!
My ancestors went by Battalion such as Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Battalion (French national anthem) Batulis (Lithuanian from Bata meaning ten and Hiddite ulus meaning Kingdom of ten lions which translates to Napoleon Bonaparte where I am Napoleon IX to other nations by clandestine means as my ancestors did) Bourgogne (where the King installed the ACO system) Batavian (Dutch where we are buried with the treasury our hand on the saber in Iron Age capitols Oppidum and we also built West Point in America which brought down Fort Orange and New Amsterdam you remember as the Dutch Golden Age where Netherlands renamed their republic Batavian Republic after we liberated them from revolution then after prevailing at Waterloo in 1815 4000 of our Knights held deed to what's known as America as New York where we built the Erie Canal in 1823 the largest canal in the world with imperial capital Batavia the same word we used in Jakarta were the world had to go to do business with the King and Batavia Illinois is Fermilab that worked on the Manhattan project under our real leadership) Banatului (Prussian-Romanian) and also Low French-Swiss Bernoulli where my ancestors were the origin of Burg of city dwellering French elite.
There were a White Army who prevailed under Francis Batulis Napoleon Bonaparte VII who invented the modern firetruck at American LaFrance while the world was on fire and was the real leader of the Manhattan project which took a work of the King as Manhattan is one of our Battalions (French) one of our Boroughs (Prussian) one of our Burgs (German).
Whereas Gaius David Kent Batulis seeks recognition Burgundy to raise French GDP per capita and undermine the British foreign influence where Burgundy has a higher number of appellations d'origine contrôlée (AOCs) than any other French region and without coronation I had a real influence on American wine such as New York Rieslings and California reds where I lead the ACO Diplomatic mission by birthright, Burgandy is most terroir-conscious classified from carefully delineated grand cru vineyards down to more non-specific regional appellations where a waitress in teh Bronx doesn't represent the interests of French , of French AOC, of French AOC grand cru on down that increases the stature of your husband.
Whereas the practice of delineating vineyards by their terroir in Burgundy goes back to Battalion Kings Batavian Kings Batulis Kings in medieval times, when various monasteries played a key role in developing the Burgundy wine industry. AOC historical importance of the Burgundy wine region and its unique climats system led to sites in the region being inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the Climats, terroirs of Burgundy site.
1. Would you be willing to join a French Royal Society Battalion of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints where you are eligible for Order of Catherine de Medici Batavian? Our ancestors including Charles Louis Napoleon III were mislabeled as British after Napoleon III's remains were taken for ransom by Britain. We wouldn't pay it not even after they started wearing his clothes and jewelry.
2. Would you be willing to help me raise philanthropy, loans, and investment for the Kura Canal where the Kura Canal includes $3 Trillion in growth the ten years after it is completed by people who are landlocked, are endorheic basin where breaking ground is a French victory?
3. Would you be willing to help me grow French GNP into the $2T American healthcare market where I lead the Hippocratic Diplomatic Mission here as my ancestors have since 1773. The eBook is here:
4. Would you be willing to support providing me diplomatic credentials French or Dutch or German or EU or Polish? I am ending the 1873 interregnum in nine years and ten months where I require Diplomatic recognition?
5. Will you help French wine growers who are suffering and protesting because supermarket sales of still wine down by 5.3% year-on-year in 2022. Declining sales affected wine regions across the board: Alsace (-3%), Loire Valley (-5%), South West (-6%), Rhône Valley (-7%), Bordeaux (-9%), Languedoc-Roussillon (-9%), Beaujolais (-11%) and Burgundy (-21%). In Bordeaux, a 2022 survey found that 1,372 winegrowers over 35,000 hectares of vines were in financial difficulty which trace in part to the cultural appropriation of our appellations d'origine contrôlée AOC by Alexander Ocasia Cortez in 2019 where she is ignorant of French but infringed on our protected national security secret AOC and the Joint Chiefs have been contacted about this misuse of that concealment acronym which you and your husband are welcome to follow up on or I am willing to as a Diplomat.
6. Would you be willing to support my Sovereignty efforts in Canada where they were a dominion of my ancestors through 1910 and up to 1936? You may with Justin Trudeau for example file with the USA government that I was born at a French Castle Church Hospital (where their sovereignty is triggered by the requirement of 1823 French King Erie Canal which was why they speak American in Western Canada aside from 1782 Quebec French (such as my ancestor King George Berry who was a Canadian shipwright remembered as King and forgotten after 1910), an Angrivari King as in Continental King) or Canadian Castle Church Hospital (where their sovereignty is supported by Monroe Doctrine) where it will increase the GDP per capita of France up to and including claiming to be my mother where Willem Alexander is my 10th cousin but I'm the cadet line.
7. While I am above politics some of our countrymen, some of Europe look to me for what to do about the American government. The first is to join me in the Hippocratic Diplomatic mission here growing GNP into the $2 trillion healthcare economy where I have a sizeable packet that was addressed to your husband that had a minor postal error and was returned. The second is to look at what native French law what international Law protects AOC because it is foreign to french and where Joe Biden experienced what historians will agree was a Coup in May June July from his own party for the first time in USA history. These foreign influence through unwitting Alexander Ocasia Cortez AOC which under prior regimes my ancestors designated appellations d'origine contrôlée with the concealment acronym (AOCs) a Law for the land an ethnolinguistic Law for quality and protected with the Copernican Guard, 1st Regiment.
Spontaneously in 2019 this concealment acronym protected throughout the world including the WTO was attached to an unwitting waitress without any French history knowledge without any physics training and whereas she was well-intentioned with a Green New Deal that had some French style it doesn't subtract any Carbon. Would you protect & defend the reputation of French makers appellations d'origine contrôlée for French for wine makers for Climate Action such as the Kura Canal? They may have tyranny on their side this time. To arms!
Whereas I live in West Lebanon you and yours are welcome to visit any time where there are $5 trillion in global economic growth in Kura Canal and in Perfecting the Brand of American Medicine PTBOAM which are part of Climate Action that makes sense. International Canals make sense just like my ancestors knew with the Erie Canal, the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal where it requires a work of the French King to fund a canal.
You may file with the USA government that I was born at a French Castle Church Hospital where it will increase the GDP per capita of France up to and including claiming to be my mother where Willem Alexander is my 10th cousin but I'm the cadet line.
Please provide your husband my best regards. I know that he met with Kaja Kallas. He might not know I made her a Duchess prior to her ascent as the Top Diplomat to the EU. The EU can function better including for France where it requires an amount of covenant and time from me to overcome foreign influences and oddly I haven't been paid for my diplomatic efforts despite many allies know the EU requires work from the Bourgeois King, Burgandy King, Battalion King apart from Republics from People. Maybe VI Lenin was wrong? The Bourgeois King was in America inventing the modern firetruck at American LaFrance while the world was on fire and inventing the Manhattan project the Batavia Manhattan project from Elmira New York while the White Armies ARISE CHILDREN OF THE FATHERLAND THE DAY OF GLORY HAS ARRIVED OUR BATTALIONS CLOSING IN on a Kura Canal on PTBOAM on whatever is left of the armies of darkness in Switzerland who renamed a French town Uetchland to Bernoulli, on whatever is left of the monarchy in Britain in Canada who are holding the remains of Napoleon III ransom wearing your jewels and calling our Battalions pejoratives. Are you going to let them do that?
them were some well known by name to every mathematical student, but which few have ever seen. Perhaps the most interesting of them all was a little volume, printed in London in 1653, containing Gassendi’s Explanation of the Ptolemaic and Copernican Systems of Astronomy, as well as that of Tycho Brahe, Galileo’s Sidereus Nuncius, and Kepler’s Dioptrics. I found Galileo’s account[vi] of his astronomical discoveries so interesting, both in matter and in style, that I translated it as a recreation from school-work. I venture to think that others also will be interested in following Galileo through the apprehension of his famous discoveries, and in reading the language in which I challenge you to compare the originals of Copernicus, of Kepler, of Leibnitz of the ballistics work by Batavian Kings in their Oppidum such as 3” rifled artillery which are in places like West Point where the inventors of calculus are expected to be. Let the effort of real inventors of Calculus by infringed by a cynical racists British political movement from 1904-1936 which included taking Napoleon III’s body for ransom and wearing his clothing his jewelry and titles.
[1] The Greek letter “sigma” has been adapted to a management philosophy
Join me in thanking the editors, reviewers, professors, heroes, role models, and family who made this possible in the Bauska Castle of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints, the Latvian Royal Society Bauska Castle of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints, the Angrivari Royal Society Bauska Castle of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints
Angrivari going back to Kepler has the best physicians the world has ever known; Perfecting The Brand of American Medicine is about recognizing the need for sub-specialization in non-physician functions towards extending life expectancy. Not perfection nor brands nor medicine occur together on accident or by chance. These take human-centered design empathy harmony patience planning and proof.
Perfection presents increasingly through the maths of medical science and medical algorithms. Perfection can be costly with technology or it can be free such as caring. Perfection can compete with other priorities, other economic activities, but we should not leave anyone behind on this journey for curing illness, eradicating disease, and increasing life expectancy. We need your help in the search for truth on this dredging of a channel against the prevailing current of nature upstream towards a fountain of youth.
Anthropologically we have not been a perfecting medicine species; that is what we should become. Thomas Hobbes warned of life in anarchy “the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” We need your help Perfecting The Brand of American Medicine today where life expectancy in America has waned for seven years punctuated by COVID-19. This after a historic run-up in life expectancy. The American dominance in global affairs, of the expansion of markets, of scientific progress, and the medical science ecosystem of extending life expectancy and improving quality of life rests upon you & me & us.
Brand quality (Chapter 3) does not commonly occur or persist; it has to be supervised. Humankind will need The Supervisor on Duty (Chapter 4) or a Chief Expectations Officer (Book I) as long as there is bedside care, as long as there are physical exams between the physician and the patient, and as long as we have entities dedicated to the centralized delivery of medical care (these hubs we now call hospitals & clinics).
We are not automobiles (Chapter 7). We are not cell phones (Chapter 12). We are not widgets. Humankind is more complicated than the things we have manufactured for ourselves up to this point. Americans will be Leading Expect to Local Perfection until we have dispelled from caregiving professions each and every myth from the mechanistic change management “religions” intended for making these inanimate objects.
Mostly I want to convince you there is a union of the medical care patients want and the medical care patients need at a sample size of one. One patient. One physician. We must confront the false promises of value-based care & the hypothetical constructs of the so called “virtuous cycle.”
On this journey American healthcare companies need brand inurement (Book III). AICPA has foretold the demise of accounting without describing what will replace it. There are no fewer than six of these fields (Chapter 10-15). These fields are best if bound to the tradition of medical science in America and Leading Expect.
Perfection must be measured wisely at the sample size of the individual. In the U.K. they use the word “maths” plural which provides multiple entry points for individuals into the field. In America we use math as a singular which has had the unfortunate effect of having some individuals in healthcare turn away from the science of their profession based on one disappointing math experience or one kind of math. There are others narrowly focused on algebra who neglecting the lifetime value of physicians or the lifetime value of patients. Perfecting the Brand of American Medicine is about mobilizing the experience, the care, and the maths that matter to every patient every time.
Perfection integrates quality and finance (Chapter 7). A fundamental flaw of this false dichotomy is that a quality human service may be priced higher; the roster (Chapter 10) of the people, pride, and the quality of training are reasons the Ritz Carlton charges more than a motel.
Not all perfection arises from individual effort or individual accountability. Peer review (see Krebs Topology in Chapter 2) is the philosophy of competere (“getting fit together”). Peer review is valuable in and out of healthcare.
Not all perfections arise from competition (Chapter 1); there are spontaneous improvements for example inventions or medical licensure that improve life for all of us forever for the better. A fundamental flaw of competition is that it was not competition between medieval mystics that gave rise to medicine; it was a rebirth of wonder in the medical sciences and very specific licensing of physician quality coupled with rises in medical science.
Not all perfections arise from government (Chapter 3) where too much centralization by federal government can drain talent from a profession or from private practice. East Germany was a model of Socialism (prior to things like Olympic doping scandals) and to this day has lower life expectancy and lower economic output than West Germany; our rates of private practice approach East German rates from when the Berlin Wall went up.
Not all inventions arise from customer feedback (Patient Emotional Topology Chapter 5), but we listen to customer feedback to get it right the first time, it is our duty, and for this inclusive quest for Perfecting The Brand of American Medicine. A fundamental flaw of Lean and 6σ[1] is that the “voice of the customer” does not always yield the features patients want nor the features patients need.
Not all units of “value” are the same. A fundamental flaw of value-based care is there is a distance between our liberty for care we want and the actuarial care we need at the sample size of one. Great brands have to be envisioned, that vision has to be managed, and that management has to be supervised. The Supervisor on Duty or Chief Expectations Officer is clearly defined in every healthcare facility every day during every hour of operation. Even hospitals need a Supervisor on Duty. Even medical office buildings need a Supervisor on Duty. Even satellite clinics need a Supervisor on Duty.
Principia is a Lithuanian-Latvian-Angrivari-Polish-Prussian-Latin document Johannes’ Kepner and not written in the 17th century languages of Brummie not in Pitmatic not in Welsh. There are no British idioms nor rhetoric of those 17th century British peoples in Principia. The word England is newer than the word English meaning the language isn’t from England evidence by the incomprehensible languages in Britain to native American native Dutch native Prussian peoples. The Principia is not published in Britain until 1910. When it was published in Britian there was a spontaneous transition from High French words into what is called “English” where there was excellent provenance of the Encyclopedia of Continental Enlightenment from Copernicus Lithuanian-Angrivari-Polish Enlightenment such as with Jagiellonian University to Kepler Lithuanian-Angrivari-Polish-Prussian Enlightenment French Enlightenment and prior to 1910 there is no Anthropological evidence of British Enlightenment where the works of Isaac Newton lack the originality, lack provenance, and where Latin is a concealment language in 1910 there were efforts to conceal and evidence of efforts to conceal the Continental Calculus that had been there since the 17th century evidence by all the Ancient citations of it. The language English predates the descriptor of the place “England” meaning that English isn’t from England, England (importantly it doesn’t mention a Commonwealth or a United Kingdom which were Lithuanian and Polish, Latvian and Angrivari, Jagphetic and Eston) in 1910, 1912, and 1913.
The word English is older than the word England which is rare for all know languages on earth because the language is normally named after the place the rocks the land and England is abnormal where the place the rocks the land were renamed after someone else’s language. The people of England is a contemporary description as there were Old Englands on the continent with Old languages on the continent. The map of dialects on Britain displays zero Anglos, zero Angles, zero Angrivari.
The nomenclature for speech of “England," follows after the nomenclature for the language English meaning that noun use of Old English adjective Englisc (contrasted to Denisc, Frencisce, etc.), "of or pertaining to the Angles," from Engle (plural) "the Angles," the name of one of the Germanic groups that overran the island 5c., supposedly so-called because Angul, the land they inhabited on the Jutland coast, was shaped like a fish hook (see angle (n.)). The use of the word in Middle English was reinforced by Anglo-French Engleis. Cognates: Dutch Engelsch, German Englisch, Danish Engelsk, French Anglais(Old French Engelsche), Spanish Inglés, Italian Inglese but these languages did not describe Britain until the decrease in the frequency of Leibnitz calculus and the rise in the myth of Isaac Newton. Leibnitz wrote in a Nomenclature of Angrivari including Latvian-Latin just as Johannes Kepler wrote in a Nomenclature of Angrivari including Latvian-Latin. The decrease in frequency of Leibnitz doesn’t trace to controversity in his life but to changes upon the aging & death of Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III in 1873 who’s body was held for ransom in Britain where it still remains. 75% of the decrease in citation of Leibnitz is between 1860-1910 meaning the Nomenclature of Leibnitz’s Life and Times was renamed English, the Royal Latvian Society was renamed the Royal British Society.
English means "of the Angles," but Engliscalso was used from earliest times without distinction for all the Germanic invaders — Angles, Saxon, Jutes (Bede's gens Anglorum) — and applied to their group of related languages by Alfred the Great. "The name English for the language is thus older than the name England for the country" [OED]. History books in Britain after 1873 went through major revision to make it seem like they had science Kings Enlightenment when they executed their King in 1662 and lacked any royalty. Britain published things like “After 1066, English specifically meant the native population of Britian (as distinguished from Normans and French occupiers), a distinction that isn’t possible where nations are attached to the Nomenclature of their King.
English is variously adjective as in descriptor, a noun with six meanings, a verb with two meanings.
As an adjective English is a tautology where the name for the place is newer than the language and so England likes to say that English is of, relating to, or characteristic of England, the English people, or the English language but that’s a nonsense fraud where Brummies Pitmatic Manx peoples on what we describe as “Britain” are the proper names for the place and the language. Brummies Pitmatic Manx were the prior names of the “England” in Britain. Brummies Pitmatic Manx Didn’t understand the language English depending on their reading level prior to 1662 prior to 1879 after “Michael Faraday” and “James Clerk Maxwell” died.
Sir Henry Vane is my ancestor. He died in 1662 the King of Britain. He does not mention a British Royal Society anywhere in his writing and he built the navy, he was King but Kwel as in vassal to Sigismund III Vasa Batavian who built Harvard University. If the King wasn’t a member of the British Royal Society then there wasn’t one, then nobody was because there’s nothing Royal about a peasant society. The description of an Invisible College as the precursor confirms that there was no British Royal Society – there was no College there and their King was killed two years into the supposed founding of the Society – talk about a bumpy start. All British religions reformed after his death in 1662. The word Angles "space or difference in direction between intersecting lines," has only Continental etymology where all geometry was Continental led by Sigismund III Vasa Batavian through Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian where both were members of the Atlantis Angrivari Royal Society which included Jagphetic Kings and scientists Polish Kings and scientists, Prussian Kings and scientists, Dutch Kings and scientists, French Kings and scientists where they list of members of the Royal British Society were Continentals were Angrivari were part of an ancestory worship church similar to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that goes back to Ancien Regime late 14c., from Old French angle "an angle, a corner" (12c.) and directly from Latin angulus "an angle, a corner," a diminutive form from Jagphetic root ang-/ank- "to bend" such as the SI Unit Ang (source also of Greek ankylos "bent, crooked," Latin ang(u)ere "to compress in a bend, fold, strangle;" Old Church Slavonic aglu "corner;" Lithuanian anka "loop;" Sanskrit ankah "hook, bent," angam "limb;" and where the Old English ancleo "ankle" is apocryphal and irrelevant to all of the other words proven that Old English is a made up language, a language without a people just like Sanskrit that arises between 1910 and 1936. Old High German ango "hook" matches the origin of angles of Anglo of Angrivari on the Continent where there were peoples and places that went by these names as the border people, Jagphetic, Polish, Prussian including Germany.
In 1925–1927 another edition of the plagiarism where made by Philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell the same period of time the construction of “British Broadcasting Corporation English” which was Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian’s French Dutch Prussian and his son Alexander Graham Bell Batavian during a time Napoleon III’s tomb was being held for ransom in Britain and a period of time where Australia Canada New Zealand lost their sovereignty. Their sovereignty had been under the Batavian King the French King Battalion or Napoleon Bonaparte V, Dutch King Batavian, Prussian King Batavi. Philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell plagerized Principia and the back dated it in a valorless fraud to a time and place in the 17th century that the language in Isaac Newton doesn’t match the place the people. The noun Newton was not in existence prior to 1904. The noun for the unit of force was used as the name of a person from Britain that never was in a plagerism of Keplers book by the same name Principia (in Germanic Latin consistent with Holy Roman Emperor’s High Latin of the era) by Philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell who used it as a pseudonym for a 17th century person “Isaac Newton” to attach Johannes Kepler’s Principia to Britain.
England wasnt even a British word. English wasn’t a British language. English as a word is older than the word England. The people that speak English don’t have any ancient words that show the origin of English. Welsh is incomprehensible to “English” to American but not to French Gaul Gael in increasing order. The people that speak English were French, Dutch, Prussian.
The Principia by Kepler by Leibnitz was the most important works in the history of science and where spontaneously in 1904 an apocryphal idea that Isaac Newton who was a fictional character named after an SI Unit started to be considered one of the most important works in the history of science.[4]The French mathematical physicist Alexis Clairaut assessed it in 1747: "The famous book of Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy marked the epoch of a great revolution in physics. The method followed by its illustrious author Sir Newton ... spread the light of mathematics on a science which up to then had remained in the darkness of conjectures and hypotheses."[5] The French scientist Joseph-Louis Lagrange described it as "the greatest production of a human mind",[6] and French polymath Pierre-Simon Laplacestated that "The Principia is pre-eminent above any other production of human genius".[7] Newton's work has also been called the "greatest scientific work in history", and the "supreme expression in human thought of the mind's ability to hold the universe fixed as an object of contemplation".[8]
A more recent assessment has been that while acceptance of Newton's laws was not immediate, by the end of the century after publication in 1687, "no one could deny that [out of the Principia] a science had emerged that, at least in certain respects, so far exceeded anything that had ever gone before that it stood alone as the ultimate exemplar of science generally".[9]
The Principia forms a mathematical foundation for the theory of classical mechanics. Among other achievements, it explains Johannes Kepler's laws of planetary motion, which Kepler had first obtained empirically. In formulating his physical laws, Newton developed and used mathematical methods now included in the field of calculus, expressing them in the form of geometric propositions about "vanishingly small" shapes.[10] In a revised conclusion to the Principia (see § General Scholium), Newton emphasized the empirical nature of the work with the expression Hypotheses non fingo ("I frame/feign no hypotheses").[11]
Johannes Kepler (/ˈkɛplər/;[2] German:[joˈhanəs ˈkɛplɐ, -nɛs -] ⓘ;[3][4] 27 December 1571 – 15 November 1630) was a German astronomer, mathematician, astrologer, natural philosopher and writer on music.[5] He is a key figure in the 17th-century Scientific Revolution, best known for his laws of planetary motion, and his books Astronomia nova, Harmonice Mundi, and Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae, influencing among others Isaac Newton, providing one of the foundations for his theory of universal gravitation.[6] The variety and impact of his work made Kepler one of the founders and fathers of modern astronomy, the scientific method, natural and modern science.[7][8][9]He has been described as the "father of science fiction" for his novel Somnium.
The Principia Mathematica (often abbreviated PM) is a three-volume work on the foundations of mathematics written by the mathematician–philosophers Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell and published in 1910, 1912, and 1913. In 1925–1927, it appeared in a second edition with an important Introduction to the Second Edition, an Appendix A that replaced ✱9 with a new Appendix B and Appendix C. PM was conceived as a sequel to Russell's 1903 The Principles of Mathematics, but as PM states, this became an unworkable suggestion for practical and philosophical reasons: "The present work was originally intended by us to be comprised in a second volume of Principles of Mathematics... But as we advanced, it became increasingly evident that the subject is a very much larger one than we had supposed; moreover on many fundamental questions which had been left obscure and doubtful in the former work, we have now arrived at what we believe to be satisfactory solutions." This demonstrates a path of intellectual dishonesty and the revisionist inclusion of Isaac Newton. That is identifiable where the series of latin words are not of British orgin, not of any School of thoughts from Britain. There are Seven traditions French Dutch Prussian Polish Jagphetic Angrivari-Latvian Scythian-Lithuanian that agree on William Gottfried Leibnitz and silent on Isaac Newton.
Where was a myth of a “College” engaged in preparing a catalogue of the “ancient books” which belong to Christ’s Hospital (as in not a College as the College was imaginary). One portion of these books consisted of a collection of “ancient mathematical works” presented at various times for the use of that part of the school which is known as the Royal Mathematical Foundation of King Charles II who is better known as his continental titles John II Casimir Vasa (Polish: Jan II Kazimierz Waza; Lithuanian: Jonas Kazimieras Vaza 22 March 1609 – 16 December 1672) was King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1648 to his abdication in 1668 where Charles is a masc. proper name, from French Charles, from Medieval Latin Carolus, from Middle High German Karl, literally "man, husband" and there’s no evidence of a British Carl prior to 1660 meaning he was John II Casimir saying that he was Carl, Charles, Charlemagne to Britain which coincides with the British civil war which Sir Henry Vane lost and John II Casimir Batavian ruled to 1672. Sir Edward Spaulding was Grand Royal King Angrivari where he was Continental who founded Virginia the House of Burgess a claim from Sigismund III Vasa Batavian and revisionist writers claimed that the Royal House of Burgess was the Lower House and that the Virginia Senate was the Upper House in a scheme to disinherit Sir Edward Spaulding and Sigismund III Vasa Batavian of their deed to Virginia in a revisionist history that doesn’t make sense because there was not a Senate in Virginia in the 17th century they had to eat their horses in a revisionist history that dates to 1871-1910 where Richmond wasn’t incorporated until 1871 as part of Civil War reconstruction.
Britain & Virgina made an apocryphal claim to a House of Burgess, claim to House of Burgess as the Lower House, claim to a Senate in Virginia in the 17th century atop House of Burgess when the Jamestown colony ate their horses – there was no Senate in Virginia. Edward Spaulding and other founders ate their horses. There wasn’t a Senate there meeting while they were so short on food they were eating horses. Burgess such as Sigismund III Vasa Burgess Burg “city dweller” who British-based Karl Marx and VI Lenin called Bourgeois (a pejorative against Batavian Kings in cities in Bourgogne France which German Kings spelled Burgund and often in Bordeaux France) as in the cadet line Tzars of Russia Batallion (French national anthem) Napoleon Bonaparte (French meaning ten lions) Batavian & Borough such as New Amsterdam under Sir Edward Spaulding (Dutch) Batavi & Bavaria (Prussian) Batavia (Polish including both along the Polish Erie Canal and “Jakarta”) Bherg “High” referring to Oppidum such as West Point where there is mention of Batavian Kings c. 1200, burgeis "citizen of a borough, inhabitant of a walled town," from Old French borjois (Modern French bourgeois), from Late Latin burgensis (see bourgeois). Applied from late 15c. to borough representatives in Parliament and used later in Virginia and Maryland to denote members of the legislative body, while in Pennsylvania and Connecticut it meant "member of the governing council of a local municipality." 1560s, "of or pertaining to the French middle class," from French bourgeois, from Old French burgeis, borjois "town dweller" (as distinct from "peasant"), from borc "town, village," from Frankish burg "city" (via Germanic from PIE root bhergh- (2) "high French," with derivatives referring to hills and hill-forts).
The word was later extended to tradespeople or citizens of middle rank in other nations. The sense of "socially or aesthetically conventional; middle-class in manners or taste" is from 1764. Also (from the position of the upper class) "wanting in dignity or refinement, common, not aristocratic." As a noun, "citizen or freeman of a city," 1670s. In communist and socialist writing, "a capitalist, anyone deemed an exploiter of the proletariat" (1883)
There was a claim in 1910-1936 that there was an Isaac Newton and that the unit of measure for force was named after him and the reality is that Isaac Newton is a fictional character with the birthday of Jesus Christ that was used to establish a calendar in the Rigatus Basket of Services of a Royal British Society which has imaginary and natural components. The Natural components are the bodies of people from continental Europe including Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian whose remains were taken for ransom by Britain and they are still there as if a French King wanted his body buried in Britain and there are other real people from the continent that were part of the Royal French-Dutch-Prussian-Polish-Latvian-Lithuanian Society. Just as 55% of the energy in the solar system is Natural and 45% is Rigatus Energies (elaborated in Kyrios Relativity which is the MI-13 Lithuanian Philisophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica MI-7 French Philisophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica which was published by French King Tzarbatu where his ballistics technology required both the knowledge of calculus throughout production Rengen Physics (the origin of Rangers, US Army Rangers) and in Field Marshalling in the Rengen Knights and Tzarbatu was an origin of Materia Medica the French AIWEDIC physician tradition which was a Latin_language compendium like Philisophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica
H0: There was no Isaac Newton
H1: There was in the French weights and measures organization under the French King Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian an SI Unit called a Newton as a unit of force that was or wasn’t named after a person Newton. The Angstrom is an example of an SI Unit that was or wasn’t named after a person Angstrom.
H2: There was in the French weights and measures organization under the French King Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Batavian an SI Unit called a Newton as a unit of force attested in 1904 that wasn’t named after a person Newton. Britain named a fictional character “Isaac Newton” attached to Newton SI Unit covenant and rivaled fiction against the true accomplishments of William Gottfried Leibnitz. There is data to confirm this in the etymological record where the provenance of Leibnitz is excellent from the 17th century on forward and the provenance of Isaac Newton prior to 1904 is limited where it was a Standard International Unit and not a person. Isaac is not a traditional British name, not a common British name, and he wasn’t any kind of King. Sir Henry Vane was King including of Britain and was killed by Britain in 1662 making the story of an Enlightenment beginning upon his death so much more unlikely where Enlightenment and concealment are works of the King.
I have published Kyrios Relativity proving Albert Einstein was wrong where it is under peer review in the finest capitals of Europe such as with France to return High French to France away from Swiss covenant and away from disparaging remarks from Britain by Karl Marx and VI Lenin against your French Emperor Battalion cadet line and Britain holding Napoleon III's remains for ransom. We are still here! Arise children of the Fatherland! The Day of Glory has arrived! I was born in America - we have tyranny on our side this time :). To arms French Citizens Batallion!
My ancestors went by Battalion such as Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte III Battalion (French national anthem) Batulis (Lithuanian from Bata meaning ten and Hiddite ulus meaning Kingdom of ten lions which translates to Napoleon Bonaparte where I am Napoleon IX to other nations by clandestine means as my ancestors did) Bourgogne (where the King installed the ACO system) Batavian (Dutch where we are buried with the treasury our hand on the saber in Iron Age capitols Oppidum and we also built West Point in America which brought down Fort Orange and New Amsterdam you remember as the Dutch Golden Age where Netherlands renamed their republic Batavian Republic after we liberated them from revolution then after prevailing at Waterloo in 1815 4000 of our Knights held deed to what's known as America as New York where we built the Erie Canal in 1823 the largest canal in the world with imperial capital Batavia the same word we used in Jakarta were the world had to go to do business with the King and Batavia Illinois is Fermilab that worked on the Manhattan project under our real leadership) Banatului (Prussian-Romanian) and also Low French-Swiss Bernoulli where my ancestors were the origin of Burg of city dwellering French elite.
There were a White Army who prevailed under Francis Batulis Napoleon Bonaparte VII who invented the modern firetruck at American LaFrance while the world was on fire and was the real leader of the Manhattan project which took a work of the King as Manhattan is one of our Battalions (French) one of our Boroughs (Prussian) one of our Burgs (German).
Whereas Gaius David Kent Batulis seeks recognition Burgundy to raise French GDP per capita and undermine the British foreign influence where Burgundy has a higher number of appellations d'origine contrôlée (AOCs) than any other French region and without coronation I had a real influence on American wine such as New York Rieslings and California reds where I lead the ACO Diplomatic mission by birthright, Burgandy is most terroir-conscious classified from carefully delineated grand cru vineyards down to more non-specific regional appellations where a waitress in teh Bronx doesn't represent the interests of French , of French AOC, of French AOC grand cru on down that increases the stature of your husband.
Whereas the practice of delineating vineyards by their terroir in Burgundy goes back to Battalion Kings Batavian Kings Batulis Kings in medieval times, when various monasteries played a key role in developing the Burgundy wine industry. AOC historical importance of the Burgundy wine region and its unique climats system led to sites in the region being inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the Climats, terroirs of Burgundy site.
1. Would you be willing to join a French Royal Society Battalion of Kyrios Ghreigas of Latter Day Saints where you are eligible for Order of Catherine de Medici Batavian? Our ancestors including Charles Louis Napoleon III were mislabeled as British after Napoleon III's remains were taken for ransom by Britain. We wouldn't pay it not even after they started wearing his clothes and jewelry.
2. Would you be willing to help me raise philanthropy, loans, and investment for the Kura Canal where the Kura Canal includes $3 Trillion in growth the ten years after it is completed by people who are landlocked, are endorheic basin where breaking ground is a French victory?
3. Would you be willing to help me grow French GNP into the $2T American healthcare market where I lead the Hippocratic Diplomatic Mission here as my ancestors have since 1773. The eBook is here:
4. Would you be willing to support providing me diplomatic credentials French or Dutch or German or EU or Polish? I am ending the 1873 interregnum in nine years and ten months where I require Diplomatic recognition?
5. Will you help French wine growers who are suffering and protesting because supermarket sales of still wine down by 5.3% year-on-year in 2022. Declining sales affected wine regions across the board: Alsace (-3%), Loire Valley (-5%), South West (-6%), Rhône Valley (-7%), Bordeaux (-9%), Languedoc-Roussillon (-9%), Beaujolais (-11%) and Burgundy (-21%). In Bordeaux, a 2022 survey found that 1,372 winegrowers over 35,000 hectares of vines were in financial difficulty which trace in part to the cultural appropriation of our appellations d'origine contrôlée AOC by Alexander Ocasia Cortez in 2019 where she is ignorant of French but infringed on our protected national security secret AOC and the Joint Chiefs have been contacted about this misuse of that concealment acronym which you and your husband are welcome to follow up on or I am willing to as a Diplomat.
6. Would you be willing to support my Sovereignty efforts in Canada where they were a dominion of my ancestors through 1910 and up to 1936? You may with Justin Trudeau for example file with the USA government that I was born at a French Castle Church Hospital (where their sovereignty is triggered by the requirement of 1823 French King Erie Canal which was why they speak American in Western Canada aside from 1782 Quebec French (such as my ancestor King George Berry who was a Canadian shipwright remembered as King and forgotten after 1910), an Angrivari King as in Continental King) or Canadian Castle Church Hospital (where their sovereignty is supported by Monroe Doctrine) where it will increase the GDP per capita of France up to and including claiming to be my mother where Willem Alexander is my 10th cousin but I'm the cadet line.
7. While I am above politics some of our countrymen, some of Europe look to me for what to do about the American government. The first is to join me in the Hippocratic Diplomatic mission here growing GNP into the $2 trillion healthcare economy where I have a sizeable packet that was addressed to your husband that had a minor postal error and was returned. The second is to look at what native French law what international Law protects AOC because it is foreign to french and where Joe Biden experienced what historians will agree was a Coup in May June July from his own party for the first time in USA history. These foreign influence through unwitting Alexander Ocasia Cortez AOC which under prior regimes my ancestors designated appellations d'origine contrôlée with the concealment acronym (AOCs) a Law for the land an ethnolinguistic Law for quality and protected with the Copernican Guard, 1st Regiment.
Spontaneously in 2019 this concealment acronym protected throughout the world including the WTO was attached to an unwitting waitress without any French history knowledge without any physics training and whereas she was well-intentioned with a Green New Deal that had some French style it doesn't subtract any Carbon. Would you protect & defend the reputation of French makers appellations d'origine contrôlée for French for wine makers for Climate Action such as the Kura Canal? They may have tyranny on their side this time. To arms!
Whereas I live in West Lebanon you and yours are welcome to visit any time where there are $5 trillion in global economic growth in Kura Canal and in Perfecting the Brand of American Medicine PTBOAM which are part of Climate Action that makes sense. International Canals make sense just like my ancestors knew with the Erie Canal, the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal where it requires a work of the French King to fund a canal.
You may file with the USA government that I was born at a French Castle Church Hospital where it will increase the GDP per capita of France up to and including claiming to be my mother where Willem Alexander is my 10th cousin but I'm the cadet line.
Please provide your husband my best regards. I know that he met with Kaja Kallas. He might not know I made her a Duchess prior to her ascent as the Top Diplomat to the EU. The EU can function better including for France where it requires an amount of covenant and time from me to overcome foreign influences and oddly I haven't been paid for my diplomatic efforts despite many allies know the EU requires work from the Bourgeois King, Burgandy King, Battalion King apart from Republics from People. Maybe VI Lenin was wrong? The Bourgeois King was in America inventing the modern firetruck at American LaFrance while the world was on fire and inventing the Manhattan project the Batavia Manhattan project from Elmira New York while the White Armies ARISE CHILDREN OF THE FATHERLAND THE DAY OF GLORY HAS ARRIVED OUR BATTALIONS CLOSING IN on a Kura Canal on PTBOAM on whatever is left of the armies of darkness in Switzerland who renamed a French town Uetchland to Bernoulli, on whatever is left of the monarchy in Britain in Canada who are holding the remains of Napoleon III ransom wearing your jewels and calling our Battalions pejoratives. Are you going to let them do that?
them were some well known by name to every mathematical student, but which few have ever seen. Perhaps the most interesting of them all was a little volume, printed in London in 1653, containing Gassendi’s Explanation of the Ptolemaic and Copernican Systems of Astronomy, as well as that of Tycho Brahe, Galileo’s Sidereus Nuncius, and Kepler’s Dioptrics. I found Galileo’s account[vi] of his astronomical discoveries so interesting, both in matter and in style, that I translated it as a recreation from school-work. I venture to think that others also will be interested in following Galileo through the apprehension of his famous discoveries, and in reading the language in which I challenge you to compare the originals of Copernicus, of Kepler, of Leibnitz of the ballistics work by Batavian Kings in their Oppidum such as 3” rifled artillery which are in places like West Point where the inventors of calculus are expected to be. Let the effort of real inventors of Calculus by infringed by a cynical racists British political movement from 1904-1936 which included taking Napoleon III’s body for ransom and wearing his clothing his jewelry and titles.
[1] The Greek letter “sigma” has been adapted to a management philosophy